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Will ps4 download in rest mode

Will ps4 download in rest mode
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PS4: Power Modes: On, Off, and Rest Mode

In rest mode things download faster. the reason for this being is that while in rest mode the only thing that is on is downloading and nothing else like the UI and other applications. The ps4 is resting. Lol. So very wrong. When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die. The PS4 was designed to be put into Rest Mode when you’re not actively using it. The only downside to using Rest Mode is that it uses more electricity than turning off your PS4. How Much Energy Does Rest Mode Use? In Rest Mode, your PS4 reportedly uses about 10W of power with the default settings. Sep 07,  · PS4 users have tested downloading in Rest Mode vs downloading while the console is powered on as normal, and the general consensus is that it does download games Michael Harradence.

will ps4 download in rest mode

Will ps4 download in rest mode

Last Status Change: Ultimate F. AMA Archive. Do not submit vague titles or generalized posts. Examples can be found here. Media submissions must use proper formatting. Do not submit low-quality posts or questions which can be easily searched or googled. When there is a stickied Megathread, all discussions about that topic should be posted in the Megathread.

Don't post spam or unapproved self-promotion. This includes posts unrelated to PS4 as well as buying, selling, trading, begging, etc. To see what we consider spam, click here. Rules apply to comments, all rules apply to posts. For complete and detailed rule descriptions, click here. Currently Visible Currently Hidden [click to toggle]. For other subreddit filters, click here. Is it faster to download in rest mode? I mistakenly turned off my PS4 instead of putting it in rest mode last night.

That means I will have to download the Destiny update file now. So is it faster to download on the start screen or in rest mode? Edit: found out it was faster to watch the download and occasionally "test the internet connection". Rest mode can be quicker by default if the OS isn't bottlenecking your download for gameplay, audio party, background tasks, etc.

You can also purchase stuff from psn away from the home and have it download by the time you get home. I love the fact that I can purchase a game off my phone at work and when I clock out and get home it's ready to play. Rest mode is a awesome feature. Uh no, the downloads run much faster in rest mode and your whole system doesnt have to be running. Not sure where the "Faster download" comes in to play when in rest mode other than maybe if you aren't using any bandwidth, will ps4 download in rest mode goes for any mode.

While the rest mode may not have any actual negative impact, its positive impact is almost negligible to me but to each their own, will ps4 download in rest mode.

That is not negligible. Even if you don't care to save money, it is more environmentally friendly to leave it in rest mode. As you said, rest mode may not have any actual negative impact. The negative will ps4 download in rest mode is almost negligible to me, but to each their own.

Over will ps4 download in rest mode year, not that big a deal, to me. But to some i guess, still find it pointless. Just my opinion. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

All rights reserved, will ps4 download in rest mode. PS4 comments. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. All spoilers and NSFW content must be properly marked. All suggestions require means to cause change. Review Threads and Kickstarter threads must follow posting guidelines. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet.

Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. Thanks in advance for answers. Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! Create an account. Save you 8 cents on your power bill every month? It will download updates while you aren't using it and suspend any games you're in.

Sounds like a power saving feature to me. To suggest that rest mode is a pointless feature is really asinine of you. Wasn't a loaded question. Yeah, it's meant to serve as a power saving feature primarily.

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How to set your PS4 to download files/updates in rest mode

, time: 2:17

Will ps4 download in rest mode

will ps4 download in rest mode

The PS4 was designed to be put into Rest Mode when you’re not actively using it. The only downside to using Rest Mode is that it uses more electricity than turning off your PS4. How Much Energy Does Rest Mode Use? In Rest Mode, your PS4 reportedly uses about 10W of power with the default settings. actually there are several things you can do when the PS4 is in resting mode. Downloading everything you want it to updating games and system software. after whatever downloading is completed, the system will install the the updating package automatically to the game or system software. Rest Mode is one of the handiest features of the PlayStation 4. Instead of powering down completely, your console just goes into a low-power sleep mode (like your laptop does when it hibernates). This means that it’s quicker to start up, can charge the controller, and best of all, can download updates and games from the PlayStation 4.

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